Dear John,
Plastic pollution is an urgent threat to the climate, human health, communities, the environment, and wildlife. With industries set to triple their plastic production by 2060, public support for policies to reduce plastic pollution is growing across the world. From implementing bag bans and fees on single-use plastics, to rules that strengthen regulations on industrial polluters, communities and policymakers are using many strategies to address the growing plastic pollution crisis. Plastic pollution ultimately needs to be stopped at the source, and encouragingly, leaders in the United States are working to develop policy
solutions that do just that. Bills like the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act and Reducing Waste in National Parks Act are legislative solutions intended to reduce and prevent single-use plastic and plastic’s many forms of pollution from impacting our climate, communities, waterways, and natural wonders.
During our September 19 webinar, we will discuss policy solutions for addressing plastic pollution in the United States. Learn about what the Biden Administration is doing from Jonathan Black, Senior Director for Chemical Safety and Plastic Pollution Prevention at the White House Council on Environmental Quality. Also joining will be Jane Patton, U.S.
Fossil Economy Campaign Manager at the Center for International Environmental Law. The conversation will be moderated by Christy Leavitt, Campaign Director for Oceana.
DATE: Tuesday, September 19 TIME: 2-3 pm PT | 5-6 pm ET Click here to convert to your timezone. Can't attend the live event? Sign up and we will send you a link to watch the recording afterwards.
Please feel free to share the webinar link with others who may be interested
We look forward to your participation!

Jackie Nuñez & PPC Team Founder, The Last Plastic Straw Advocacy & Engagement Manager, Plastic Pollution Coalition |