Seeking proposals to develop a GHG emissions inventory for 11 WA counties
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sept. 7, 2023
*Request for Quotes & Qualifications (RFQQ)*
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory project
The Washington State Department of Commerce is initiating this RFQQ to solicit proposals from those interested in providing comprehensive greenhouse gas (GHG) emission inventory development services to all of the 11 Washington counties?subject to new climate regulations related to?House Bill 1181 (Chapter 228, Laws of 2023 [ [link removed] ].
This GHG inventory project will provide consistent statewide GHG emissions data.
* County Emissions Inventories RFQQ (PDF) [ [link removed] ]
* *Responses Due:*?Oct. 17, 2023
* *Point of Contact:*?RFQQ Coordinator, Angie Hong,?, (360) 506-1706
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