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News and updates

September 2023

Genevieve Maitland Hudson

We've got a new Chair! 

Since you last heard from us, Genevieve Maitland Hudson has joined our board as our new Chair of Trustees — and we couldn't be more pleased.

Discover more about Gen and why she's such a good fit for mySociety, in our welcome post.

Insights for you

Tap into TICTeC's rich archive of information

Three TICTeC participants look at post-it notes on a flip chart

Have you seen the new TICTeC Knowledge Hub?

We've gathered together videos and resources from nine amazing years of TICTeC conferences.
The result? A massively rich archive for anyone working in or researching civic tech, with insights from practitioners all around the globe. Start browsing here.

New angles on democracy

Blue mountains against a yellow sky and the caption: repowering democracy

Our weekly Repowering Democracy series continues, with recent guest authors posing questions such as, "Does watching MPs make them behave better?" and "What do we need to know to judge our representatives?"

There's plenty more to dig into, too. See the whole series here, where you can also sign up to receive future posts.


As time goes by

A frankly sinister collection of grandfather clocks in a darkened room

We've noticed a certain pattern in Freedom of Information requests to the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office - and it's not a pretty one.


Empowering local change together

We get more done when we collaborate - so we're very happy to have joined the Blueprint Coalition.

This sees us alongside local government organisations, environmental groups, and research institutions, all striving to deliver local climate action with a joined-up approach.

Help from the machines

Now it's easier to search and skim councils' climate action plans, thanks to a short project around machine learning for CAPE. Discover more.

Climate updates

Our monthnotes series keeps you up to speed with exactly what we're doing in the Climate team, month by month. Here's the latest, featuring projects we're working on, people we've met and the latest news on the Council Climate Action Scorecards.

mySociety's key services

Your donations help us run projects like these

If you're reading this newsletter, the chances are that you see the value in mySociety's work — thank you.

Donations are part of what makes that possible, so if you're able, please consider making a contribution today.
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Over to you

Share your memories of mySociety

Four people hiding their faces behind speech balloon cut-outs, with the caption: 'Tell us what we mean to you'.

It's our 20th anniversary year! Can you spare three minutes to tell us how you see mySociety?

Maybe you've got thoughts about our work and how it impacts you; or maybe you have ideas about where we should go in the future. It's all good: please share your wisdom here.

Interested in a particular strand of our work? Pick and choose your mySociety newsletters here.
The Welsh flag (dragonny!) flying against a blue sky

FixMyStreet is now available in Welsh

Welsh speakers rejoice — FixMyStreet now lets you report those pesky street issues, from potholes to graffiti, in Cymraeg. We've explained more — including some of the limitations — in this post.

All in all, though, we're making progress in Welsh. As you may remember, TheyWorkForYou covers the Senedd; and did you know that a good portion of WhatDoTheyKnow is translated too? 

Super FixMyStreet-ers

Recently we've been chatting with folk who are really using FixMyStreet for good — and it warms the cockles!

There's Matt Davis, self-described 'litter Womble'; Alistair Slade, who knows first hand about the barriers to access for those in wheelchairs; and Councillor Anna Railton who likes to post before and after pics of the issues she's helped fix.

Have a read, restore your faith in humanity, and maybe take a little inspiration!

What we're reading (and watching)

From our networks

  • Joe Coker is looking for test users for a ChatGPT plugin that pulls information from UK politics sources - visit to learn more.
  •  Dr. Ben Worthy, an academic at Birkbeck College is looking into who uses the Audit Act 2014, why, and what impact this has on local bodies. If that sounds relevant to you, please fill in his short survey here. Questions? Ask Ben on [email protected].

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mySociety is a registered charity in England and Wales (1076346) and a limited company (03277032).
Through our trading subsidiary SocietyWorks (05798215) we also provide commercial services.

Image credits: Mountains: Marek Piwnicki; Senedd: Senedd Cymru (CC by/2.0); Cluttered desktop: Myfanwy Nixon; jigsaw mural: Ashkan Forouzani; view across London: Kyle Kroeger (CC by-nc-nd/2.0)
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