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Thursday, September 7th, 2023


The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Extinction Itself

James George Jatras

Ivermectin Is a Catch 22 Paradox

Wayne Lusvardi

Has the Western Medical System Turned Murderous?

Paul Craig Roberts

Fed Isn’t Making Any Progress Against Inflation

Peter Schiff

Happy Labor Theory of Value Day

Tom Luongo

The Covid-19 “Crisis” Is Back, Until It Rebrands Into Something Else

Jordan Schachtel

Proof That Bidenomics Has Been a Catastrophic Failure

Michael Snyder

A Thousand Little Tyrants

Restoring Truth

The Collapse of American Identity

Klark Barnes

Rich But They Are Poor, Smart But Are Fools, Clothed But Are Naked

Ben Armstrong

Kids Intentionally Poisoned by Artificial School Lunches

Dr. Joseph Mercola

The Next Crisis Is Anyone’s Guess, But the Government Is Ready to Lockdown the Nation

John & Nisha Whitehead

Political Theatre

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