Biden’s New Overtime Rules Come With a Price: This week, the Biden Department of Labor announced that it would resurrect Obama-era regulations on overtime pay.

The new rules would allow salaried workers earning less than $55,000 annually to automatically earn time-and-a-half pay if they work in excess of 40 hours in a week. 

While this move is positioned as a pay increase for workers, it will massively increase costs for businesses and may not deliver the widespread paycheck bump advocates believe that it will.



Women-Only Spaces Are Vital for Sexual Assault Survivors Like Me. So Why Have Progressives Stayed Silent?

One might wonder what happened to the #MeToo movement – a movement that seemed ideally positioned to advocate for the safeguarding of women’s safety from physical and sexual violence – during these recent sex and gender debates. The obvious answer is that #MeToo was absorbed, as so sadly has been the case with many other women’s organizations in the US. Read More

Fox & Friends First | New Focus on Economy as 2024 Race Heats Up Watch

Fox News @ Night | Mask Mandates in Schools and Parental Rights Watch

Mark Reardon Show | Breaking the Story of Oberlin College’s Head Women’s Lacrosse Coach Listen

Washington Examiner | Baby Benefits Beat Government Dictates for Women Read

The Hill | How Democrats’ Climate Change Agenda Is Blocking Real Change for America Read

The Ingraham Angle | Oberlin College Scolds Coach for Pro-Women Sports Message Watch

Washington Examiner | Bidenomics Just Doesn’t Make Cents Read


The Byproducts of a Free Market K-12 Education Environment Created ESAs Are Farreaching and Significant

A few years ago, the hope of providing all families within a state with funding to select the education avenues that would best serve their individual children was considered nearly unimaginable. Yet parents and advocates achieved huge historic wins for educational freedom during the 2022 and 2023 legislative sessions. As a result, several states have signed universal or near-universal education savings accounts into law. Read More


Speak Up for Women’s Spaces at the YMCA!

The YMCA is letting down its female members in communities across the nation. By allowing biological men to use female-designated locker rooms and bathrooms, the Y is compromising both privacy and safety. But that’s not all. Some YMCAs have even gone so far as to ban females who object to these practices from using their facilities. For example, 16-year-old Abbigail Wheeler was kicked off the Illinois YMCA’s club swim team and then banned from the Springfield YMCA for voicing her concerns about sharing a women’s changing space with a male.
The YMCA’s Liberal Gender Policies Once Again Threaten The Safety Of Women And Children: According to the Christian tradition that the YMCA allegedly espouses, men and women are biologically distinct and of equal value. If the YMCA supports the fact that men and women are different, why are sex-specific locker rooms seemingly no longer allowed? Read More

Women Speak Out Against YMCA ‘Transgender’ Bathroom Policies: Small-town YMCAs in suburban Ohio have launched themselves headfirst into the transgender debate by allowing men who “identify” as women to access women’s locker rooms. And women who have belonged to these supposedly family-friendly YMCAs for years are discovering, to their shock, that management considers their safety and privacy inferior to the feelings of men. Read More


Occupational Licensing

Which of the following is NOT true about occupational licensing?

A. Occupational licenses make it difficult for many people to start a new career.
B. Occupational licensing requirements are uniquely tailored to the responsibilities of each specific licensed profession.
C. Occupational licenses are often not necessary to protect the health and safety of Americans.


College Coach “Burned at the Stake” for Supporting Women’s Sports

Kim Russell, Oberlin College’s head women’s lacrosse coach, was subjected to a series of disciplinary hearings after she shared a post on Instagram congratulating Emma Weyant, the biological female swimmer who lost her first-place podium spot to Lia Thomas at the 2022 NCAA Swim Championships. Although she was threatened, humiliated, and gaslit by her colleagues and student athletes, she has refused to apologize for defending women’s sports.

The China-India Border

Meeting on the sidelines of the recently concluded BRICS Summit in South Africa, Indian Prime Minister Modi and China’s President Xi Jinping agreed to “de-escalate” tensions along their shared border, also known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC). The two countries have been locked in a frenzied infrastructure and military build-up since 2020, when clashes prompted the most perilous border crisis since 1967.
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