Good evening,
Our next 350 Chicago General meeting is Sept. 11th from 6-7:30.
Join Zoom Meeting:
Take the time and come and hear about the work we are doing to help preserve the livable planet. We are looking to expand our reach and to do that we need volunteers! Please consider coming on board. We all know that time is short. Pretending it isn't, turning away, or trusting politicians to finally do what is needed, doesn't solve the problem. There is so much you as one person can do when you become part of a larger group. ?
350 Chicago has 1500 people I send these emails out to. A small percentage of those people are actively involved in our work. What if that changed? What if 50 of you not yet activated became activated? What if 75, or 100 of you joined us and brought your imagination, your experience, your ideas into the lifeblood of 350 Chicago?
I can tell you what would happen. We would be able to expand our work in 20 different directions. I shiver to think about it the possibilities. You joining us gives us power. It gives us capacity and reach.
Come to the meeting. Sign up. Make us better. And if you don't want to volunteer, than come and give us a whole bunch of money.
Let's go!
See you on the 11th!
350 Chicago