In a little over 8 months, we have the chance to prove the cynics wrong. They say one of my extremist opponents has a good shot at taking me out. They say that you probably won’t show up to vote. You and I both know they’re dead wrong.
I know we can cross the finish line and win. They’ve got their insider games in D.C., but we’ve got Jersey Values. Team, we’re in for a tough fight, and we’re up against an avalanche of dark money.
Right now, we need to fill a budget gap of $7,500.
Donate $25 today to get us to our monthly deadline. We need to balance our books by 11:59 p.m. ET on Saturday. Unlike my opponents, I’m not able to rely on hundreds of thousands of dollars in personal loans. This campaign is run by grassroots supporters like you.
If you’ve stored your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will process immediately. |
You sent me to Congress to get the job done and fight for common-sense solutions, not to be a social media celebrity or chat with the talking heads on cable news. I’m not owned by special interests on the right or the left. I’m here because we both believe that NJ-5 deserves a pragmatic fighter.
We are lucky to have you in our corner. Let’s finish this.