In case you missed it, last week the Pennsylvania Department of Education announced a Special Education Policy Change regarding its age-out policy. Effective immediately, students with disabilities who are entitled to Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) will continue to receive free and appropriate public education until their 22nd birthday. This policy change also applies to students who turned 21 during the 2022-23 school year and were prematurely exited from their school under PDE’s old policy. These students have the option to re-enroll in public school this school year.
PDE sent a letter to all families with a 21-year-old student with disabilities who may be eligible to continue to receive schooling, as well as notified the superintendents and special education directors of all school districts, charter schools, and intermediate units in the Commonwealth. The FAQ page may provide some clarity if you have questions or want to read the updated policy language. If you have more questions, please feel free to contact my office at (484) 200-8263.
Norristown Farm Park Mosquito Spraying Tonight!
Tonight, Wednesday, September 6th the Montgomery County Office of Public Health is spraying to control adult mosquitoes within the Norristown Farm Park after positive mosquito collections of West Nile Virus. Spraying is scheduled to start at 7:45 PM and will end at 10:30 PM. For more information on the spraying and what additional public health steps the county is taking visit here.