Saturday and Sunday were dark days in America. In less than 24 hours, two men killed dozens of people in El Paso and Dayton. I'm mourning for the lives lost and the families devastated.


Saturday and Sunday were dark days in America. In less than 24 hours, two men killed dozens of people in El Paso and Dayton. I’m mourning for the lives lost and the families devastated.

We need immediate action. I’m calling on President Trump, Mitch McConnell and all Republicans to come back to Washington right now and work with Democrats to pass the strong gun laws that will protect American lives. And as President, I have a plan to take action in my first 100 days to prioritize passing universal background checks and the assault weapons ban and close the “boyfriend loophole.”

Today, I’m asking you to make a donation to three organizations working to end gun violence: Giffords, Moms Demand Action and the Brady Campaign. Will you split a donation between these three groups?

Thank you,

Amy for America is only asking for donations of up to $5,000 per calendar year, per individual. Amy for America is not asking for donations from registered lobbyists or foreign agents, or from sources other than individuals.


P.O. Box 18360, Minneapolis, MN 55418

Contributions or gifts to Amy for America are not tax deductible.

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Paid for by Amy for America


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