Join our next Green Talks online Tuesday 26 September - sign up here! Zack Polanski hosts Dr Shabna Begum, Cade Hatton and Pat Fitzsimons.



Join us for our next Green Talks to discuss the cost of living crisis Tuesday 26 September 6-7.30pm on zoom


The cost of living has increased for everyone – but the impact is not felt equally. Who is most at risk? What is at the root of these inequalities? And can anything be done about it?


Deputy leader Zack Polanski will host Dr Shabna Begum (Runnymede Trust), Cade Hatton (LGBTIQA+ Greens) and Pat Fitzsimons (Hackney Foodbank) to discuss how underlying inequalities have been exacerbated by the cost of living crisis – and what can be done to fix this unfairness. 


Sign up to join! 🔽

See you there! 💚


The Green Party


P.S Want to know what else we have planned? Keep an eye on our calendar and if you miss any then you can either catch up on YouTube or listen on the go via Spotify 🎧