Dear John,
I wanted to make sure you saw Iranian-American author Melody Moezzi's article in The New York Times today ahead of the release of her new book, The Rumi Prescription. Melody's work showcases just how much Rumi has shaped not just the Iranian-American community, but also every global citizen who has found comfort and guidance in such timeless poetry.
This is why we are so proud to partner with Melody to offer a FREE copy of The Rumi Prescription to anyone who donates $25 or more. A donation of $50 or more will get you a signed copy of the book and a $100 donation will also get you an invitation to a VIP event with Melody in Los Angeles, Washington DC, or San Francisco!
📚 Donate $25: Free copy of The Rumi Prescription >
🖋️ Donate $50: Signed copy of the book >
🍸 Donate $100: Signed copy of the book AND an invite to a VIP event with Melody >
The Rumi Prescription aims to spread a message of love at a time when our community is enduring an assault on our civil rights at home and the fear of a conflict with Iran that would devastate our loved ones abroad. I hope you enjoy your copy of The Rumi Prescription and hope to see you at one of our exclusive events with Melody soon!
Mana Mostatabi
Communications Director, NIAC