From Flippable Team <[email protected]>
Subject First up: North Carolina and Texas
Date February 26, 2020 10:08 PM
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Hi Friend,

Of the 10 states we’re targeting this year, North Carolina and Texas will
be the first to hold their state legislative primaries on March 3rd, or
Super Tuesday. Since the last round of redistricting in 2011, countless
North Carolina and Texas ballots have been cast under gerrymandered maps
designed to dilute votes and lock in outsized GOP power.

[ Donate ]This November is our best chance to help voters get what they deserve:
fair maps in 2021. In most states, North Carolina and Texas included,
state lawmakers are tasked with redistricting—the once-per-decade process
of drawing new voting maps after the Census. Breaking GOP control of these
state legislatures is the only way to give Democrats a seat at the table
when new maps are drawn. By putting a check on partisan gerrymandering, we
can ensure legislators are held accountable by competitive elections, not
guaranteed a free pass by rigged maps.

Let’s start strong with North Carolina and Texas.

North Carolina

* Our goal: We’re working with Swing Left to break GOP control of the
North Carolina General Assembly and secure a Democratic trifecta in
the state government. Right now, the GOP holds a 65-55 majority in the
state House and a 29-21 majority in the state Senate, meaning we need
to flip six seats and five seats, respectively.
* Our track record: In 2018, the Flippable community helped Rep. Christy
Clark, a Moms Demand Action leader, in flipping her seat in the North
Carolina State House. Democrats flipped a total of nine seats in the
chamber, breaking the GOP’s supermajority.
* Our 2020 targets: To maximize our chances of flipping North Carolina
blue, we’re targeting a set 20 highly competitive districts across the
state: 12 in the state House and eight in the state Senate. Of these
targets, 13 are offensive (helping Democratic flip competitive red
seats) and 7 are defensive (helping Democrats hold vulnerable blue


* Our goal: Flipping the Texas State House is Democrats’ only
opportunity to put a check on GOP gerrymandering because the
governorship and most competitive state Senate seats aren’t up for
election until 2022. We’re working with Swing Left to help flip nine
seats in the state’s lower chamber, where the GOP currently holds a
83-67 majority.
* Our track record: The Flippable community helped elect nine Democrats
to the Texas State House in 2018, contributing to a total of 12
red-to-blue flips in the chamber.
* Our 2020 targets: We’re targeting 11 seats in the Texas State House—a
mix of nine GOP-held seats and two Democratic holds—concentrated in
the Dallas-Fort Worth and Houston metro areas. In addition, we’re
targeting one competitive state Senate seat to lay the groundwork for
flipping the entire chamber in 2022.

* * *

[ Donate ]With your support, we can make 2020 a monumental year for fair maps and
the future of our democracy. By donating to the Flippable Fund today, you
can help our forthcoming Texas and North Carolina candidates hit the
ground running in highly competitive races.

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Join the [ [link removed] ]Flippable Fund to make high-impact investments in winning our
states—and building a better democracy.

Copyright © 2020 Flippable, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Flippable PO Box 22338 Brooklyn, NY 11202 USA

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