Now, let’s talk numbers. 


During the 2008 recession, UAW workers sacrificed crucial benefits and wage increases while the auto industry received billions in government bailouts. Now, the industry has recovered but workers at the Big Three struggle under the weight of inflation, lose precious time with family, and fear for their job security.

Since 2013, the Big Three have made a quarter of a trillion dollars in profits and reported a combined $21 billion in profits the first half of 2023. The Big Three CEOs also continue to give themselves HUGE raises.

Quality careers at the Big Three have historically been a pathway to the middle class – especially for rural and Black workers – but previous concessions have made it harder for workers to obtain these quality careers. Fair contracts at the Big Three mean the restoration of COLA (cost of living adjustments) and the end of two-tier classifications for workers. The Big Three have been able to keep wages stagnant through two-tier wage systems and threaten to lower pay and safety standards at new electric vehicle manufacturing plants throughout the South.


Stand with UAW members and tell the Big Three CEOs to deliver fair contracts with thriving wages! We know they can afford it. 


In Solidarity,


Michaela Winter


Jobs With Justice


P.S. You can learn more about the UAW fight at