DC PPC Fall Meet-Up Saturday Sept 23 #itsfallya'll

Register Now!

Saturday, September 23 - 1 to 3pm

DC Poor People's Campaign Fall Meet-up:


Join the DC Poor People's Campaign rain or shine for?free food & fellowship! Register now to hear about how we are trying to build power to address the interlocking injustices of systemic racism, poverty, ecological devastation, militarism, and the distorted moral narrative of religious nationalism, while enjoying the first day of fall! #itsfallya'll


We will be hearing from you about what issues are closest to your heart, and will be giving a preview of the coordinated actions at our state capitals in February 2024 & a Moral March on Washington in June 2024!?


If you believe in this movement and its principles, we would love for you to join us in this time for fellowship & to learn more. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket to make your time with us more comfortable. Forward together, not one step back! Please register today!


DC Poor People's Campaign

[email protected]


Learn more about the DC Poor Peoples Campaign here: