Dear John,
Don't miss an opportunity to help the Trump administration reform the way bureaucratic arms of the government treats its citizens.
The President recently signed two executive orders guided toward increasing transparency and requiring a certain amount of consideration for the time of American families, consumers, and small businesses.
Agencies have increasingly issued “guidance” instead of using statutory rulemaking procedures to sidestep procedural safeguards and to quietly make policy without public input.
You should not be punished for failure to know rules that a Washington bureaucrat has intentionally made obscure.
Government enforcement should not be an unfair surprise. Together, these two executive orders mark a decisive step in the right direction.
Show your support for these executive orders by submitting a public comment to the Federal Register. Grassroots voices are often outnumbered by bureaucrats on the Federal Registry public comment section. That's why it's important you submit comments and follow the link below.
America needs ACTION from patriots like you, here are 3 things you can do in under 10 minutes to help the movement:

P.S. - As a grassroots organization, we rely on patriots like you to help spread our message. Please forward this email to 5 of your like-minded friends!