This is the home stretch, friend, and it’s all hands on deck.
At EnviroVoters, we’ve launched text campaigns, run patch-through call drives, organized people to meet with their legislators, and been in the Capitol day after day demanding bold climate action from our state’s legislators.
And it’s working! We’re confident we can get all 13 of these critical bills passed, and it’s absolutely imperative we do.
This year, the world witnessed the hottest summer on record, and if we don’t work quickly to lower our emissions, it will become the coolest summer we’ll ever have.
We need to know what corporations are polluting into our air so we have full emissions transparency and accountability (SB 253 and SB 261); we need to be able to penalize oil companies when they spill and leak oil into our natural habitats and communities (AB 631); and we need to protect our public lands to naturally requester carbon and keep our ecosystems healthy (SB 337).
These are not policies we can compromise on. And despite Big Oil throwing millions of dollars into lobbying against these bills, we know that we can fight back and win. We’ve done it before and we can do it again.
In these final nine days, please contribute to our campaign to advance groundbreaking climate and environmental policy for the sake of future generations →