The Democrats’ out-of-control spending and their victim mentality are enough to drive anyone mad. But on Team Hawley, we’re turning that rage into action, and now, we’re calling on you to as well. Josh and I are working tirelessly to take back the Senate and start getting our country back on track, but we can’t do it alone. If you’re sick and tired of Democrats trampling on our rights in the Senate, I’m urging you to stand with us today and do something about it.
It’s easy to sit back and complain, John.
But real patriots don’t stand on the sidelines while America is going down the drain.
We stand up for what’s right and we stand up for the next generation.
That’s what Josh does every time he takes down the radical Left, and that’s what I’m asking you to do today.
It’s time to get down to business. Pitch in now and help us TAKE BACK America from the socialist Democrats!
Thank you,
Team Hawley
Paid for by Josh Hawley Victory Committee
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