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Join NCRC’s #TreasureCRA Tweetstorm

Tuesday, March 3, 2020
2:00 pm ET



Dear NCRC members and allies,

Last week, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) announced a 30-day extension of the comment period for proposed changes to the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). Now, we need to see even more comments going on record against their disastrous proposed changes.

Join our #TreasureCRA tweetstorm on March 3 from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm ET to protect and strengthen the Community Reinvestment Act. We need you to help us build momentum around the fight to protect CRA.

Our last tweetstorm reached 1.6 million accounts, got the attention of the OCC and members of Congress.

We want to reach even more people this time. So we hope you can do what we're doing here: invite your key contacts and partners to be part of the tweetstorm and mark their calendars to plan for it. You can forward this guide to them directly, or craft your own message to stress your involvement.

Step 1: Make sure you're following NCRC on Twitter.

Step 2: encourage your followers and networks to submit a comment and post a tweet with our "I commented" graphic on Twitter.


You can also share your own CRA experience about how CRA changed your lives - just be sure to use the hashtag #TreasureCRA.

Handles to tag:
Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC): @USOCC
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation: @FDICgov

@oscarthinks, @joeadlerdc, @amanda_albright, @Yamiche, @JillianBerman, @kateberry1, @kristoncapps, @askleezul, @MattEganCNN, @RachelEnsignWSJ, @zachffox, @taragolshan, @vtg2, @haggertynDC, @TracyJan, @thebenlane, @sylvanlane, @davidjlynch, @jonathanmahler, @kmccoynyc, @pdmcleod

Increase the reach of your tweet with these hashtags: 

Sample tweets:

I just submitted a public comment telling the @USOCC and @FDICgov that weakening the CRA will not be tolerated. Join me in this fight – it just takes a few minutes and can make all the difference: #TreasureCRA

I just submitted a public comment against the Trump Administration's plan to water down rules that prevent discrimination in lending. Make your comment by April 8 to join in the fight: #TreasureCRA

We can’t allow banks to cherry-pick where they lend – and where they don’t lend at all. I submitted a comment to @USOCC and @FDICgov and you should too: #TreasureCRA

Every community needs the Community Reinvestment Act. Even yours. I submitted a comment to @USOCC and @FDICgov and you should too: #TreasureCRA

It's our money. Keep it in our neighborhoods. Submit your comment now: #TreasureCRA

If banks can choose where they lend and where they don't, they can bring back redlining. Submit your comment now: #TreasureCRA

The Trump Administration wants to dismantle all sorts of protections for minorities. Now they’re talking about watering down rules that prevent discrimination in lending. We can’t allow that to happen. Send a letter to @USOCC & @FDICgov now: #TreasureCRA


Follow @NCRC and #TreasureCRA on Twitter for additional content to share and retweet. You can also use some of our previous tweets for this this storm, if you like.

With respect for all you do,

Thank you for your continued participation. If you are not a member of NCRC, join now.
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