Majority of Michiganders Support Health Care Proposals in What’s Next Address
Majority of Michiganders support passing Reproductive Health Act, codifying cost-saving Affordable Care Act provisions, lowering cost of prescription drugs
LANSING, Mich. — A majority of Michiganders support the health care proposals in the ‘What’s Next Address,’ a speech Governor Gretchen Whitmer delivered on August 30 to lay out top legislative priorities for the fall and beyond. The health proposals include passing the Reproductive Health Act, codifying cost-saving provisions of the Affordable Care Act, and establishing a Prescription Drug Affordability Board to lower the cost of prescription drugs.
In November, Michiganders voted to protect abortion rights in the state constitution. In April, the Governor signed legislation repealing the 1931 abortion ban. However, there are still many bad laws that put politically motivated, medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion.
What’s next: Pass the Reproductive Health Act and roll back these harmful restrictions. Protect the freedom to make your own decisions without interference from politicians.
What do Michiganders think?
In November 2022, 56.65% of Michiganders voted for Proposal 3, protecting abortion rights in our state constitution.
In a May 2023 poll, 55% of women ages 18-49 say they or someone they know has made a decision due to worries about accessing abortion.
In the same poll, 65% of adults are concerned bans on abortion would make it difficult for doctors to safely treat patients, leading to complications.
In an August 2023 poll specifically conducted in electorally competitive legislative districts (Senate districts 11, 12, 35 and House districts 27, 31, 38, 44, 58, 61, 83, 84, 103, and 109):
71% of Michiganders support preventing criminal punishment for miscarriages and stillbirths.
68% of Michiganders say abortion is a decision that should be left to a woman and her doctor.
61% of Michiganders support removing medically unnecessary rules that shut down clinics.
61% of Michiganders support allowing private insurance companies to include coverage for all pregnancy-related health care, including abortion.
58% of Michiganders support allowing advanced practice clinicians who are properly trained to provide abortion care.
54% of Michiganders support allowing Medicaid to cover all pregnancy-related health care, including abortion.
53% of Michiganders support repealing laws that force patients seeking abortion care to delay their care and receive biased, medically inaccurate information.
Codifying the Affordable Care Act
In 2013, Republicans and Democrats came together to establish Healthy Michigan thanks to the Affordable Care Act. It expanded care to over 1 million people, lowered costs, and improved health outcomes.
What’s next: Codify the commonsense, cost-saving measures of the Affordable Care Act including: protections for pre-existing conditions, permitting children to remain on their parent’s insurance until 26, banning annual or lifetime caps on care, and requiring insurance plans to cover essential services like ambulance services, birth control, mental health treatment, and preventative care.
What do Michiganders think?
In 2017, only 8% of Michiganders supported Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act unless it included some, if not many, of the same coverage options and protections.
According to a July 2022 poll (see also this breakdown):
89% of Michiganders say that it’s more important than ever for insurance to cover mental health care.
51% of Michiganders say strengthening coverage for people with pre-existing conditions will do “a lot” to lower costs.
35% of Michiganders said out-of-pocket costs are the single biggest issue with the health care system.
According to a March 2023 poll, 83% of Americans agree that all Americans have a basic right to health care coverage.
Prescription Drug Affordability Board
In 2020, Governor Whitmer established a bipartisan Prescription Drugs Task Force to drive down costs. Since then, she signed legislation implementing some of their recommendations to lower costs by increasing transparency and accountability.
What’s next: Establish an independent, nonpartisan Prescription Drug Affordability Board made up of leaders in economics, health care, supply chain, and academics. The board would use data and evidence-backed research to tackle the cost of prescription drugs. They will hold bad actors across the supply chain accountable for irrationally skyrocketing prices while also encouraging R&D to help find new treatments and cures.
What do Michiganders think?
According to an AARP survey of Michiganders 50 and older from November 2022:
77% strongly support allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, with only 2% in strong opposition.
55% strongly support a Prescription Drug Affordability Board, with only 13% in strong opposition.
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