Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom.


"We treat our friends with fine wine, but for our enemies we have shotguns."

- Gui Congyou, China’s Ambassador to Sweden



Justice Sotomayor's Highly Unusual Public Jab at Her Colleagues Is Demonstrably False

Justice Sotomayor recently suggested that the Court, or at least its conservative members, were biased in favor of the administration. Sotomayor’s comments piggyback on the liberal media’s hysteria that the replacement of Justice Kennedy with Justice Kavanaugh would transform the Court into a bastion of the right. But what the liberal media and Sotomayor appear to misunderstand is the judicial philosophies of originalism and textualism. Those philosophies require judges to adhere to the text and original understanding of the Constitution and federal statutes--they do not allow judges to insert their own personal policy preferences.  



Can you identify which of the following statements is not true?

A:   Polls show that socialism is gaining in popularity in the U.S., particularly among Millennials and Generation Z.
B:   Nordic countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland have socialist economies.
C:   Venezuela’s socialist policies have caused its citizens to lose on average almost 20 pounds due to food shortages.



Virginia's Gun Confiscation Attempt

When anti-gun rights activists say, “No one wants to take your guns,” let them know what’s going on in Virginia. Imagine that the government determined that because it didn’t like the car you drive, you had a year to destroy it, transfer it out of state, or turn it in to the government. We won’t see that happen, partly because there are no billionaire-funded anti-car campaigns to match what presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has done with the anti-gun movement. Bloomberg invested millions in Virginia last year to flip the legislature to one that agrees with his gun control agenda. In fact, Bloomberg even outspent the NRA, $2.5 million to $300,000, in those races.
How Virginia’s Push for Gun Control Laws Impact You



California's AB 5

American workers are increasingly seeking flexible work arrangements that can accommodate their time constraints or maximize work-life balance. Laws such as California’s AB 5, which adopt stricter standards for classifying workers as independent contractors, come with serious consequences. AB 5 will:
  • Raise costs for businesses. Businesses that are forced to reclassify their independent contractors as employees must now comply with California’s wage and hour laws, unemployment insurance, and other labor laws that increase labor costs by an estimated 20-30 percent. This leaves fewer resources for job creation and wage growth.
  • Threaten the economic security of workers. Some businesses are opting to lay off their freelance workforce rather than convert them to employees. Independent contractors report losing contracts, being laid off from projects, and unable to end freelance work.
  • Kill flexible work arrangements. Millions of Americans prefer to be their own bosses instead of working as employees.


DC Spends $2 Million, Takes Five Years Failing to Build a Bike Rack

Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (WMATA) spent $2 million and more than five years to build a glorified bike rack. Perhaps this is just some ingenious, five-year, $2 million practical joke on taxpayers—maybe WMATA’s wry take on “Waiting for Godot.” But more likely, it is simply another example of the inefficiency of government construction projects.

1776 Project vs. 1619 Project: Black Historians Correct New York Times

The New York Times' 1619 Project to “reframe” American history is being fact-challenged by a group of respected African American historians, journalists, and business leaders. They call themselves the 1776 Project. Spearheading the 1776 Project is Woodson Center Founder Robert Woodson. Woodson wrote that the 1619 Project is based on inaccurate history, and its victimhood approach hurts African Americans and insinuates that blacks “are born inherently damaged by an all-prevailing racism and that their future prospects are determined by the whims of whites.”

The Collapse of International Adoption Is a Tragedy

Bethany Christian Services announced that it would not be renewing its accreditation to do international adoption. As one of the largest providers of international adoption services in the U.S., this is quite a blow. But Bethany’s leadership has seen the writing on the wall. In 2018, there were only about 4,000 intercountry adoptions to the U.S. That’s compared with a high of almost 23,000 in 2004. These drastic changes are partly the result of other countries like Russia shutting down their adoption programs and partly the result of our own State Department making international adoption more difficult. 