Nation's Oldest and Largest Latino Civil Rights Organization Offers Tips Learned from Successfully Defeating Arizona's SB1070
Washington, DC – LULAC is confronting the troubling threat posed by Florida's SB1718 and the persecution of immigrants under the leadership of Governor Ron DeSantis. Drawing from our experience in defeating Arizona's SB1070, we are issuing an emergency preparedness plan to protect our immigrant community. LULAC believes that knowledge is our greatest daily defense to safeguarding the lives of families and individuals targeted by hateful racial policies.
"LULAC is ready to help our immigrant community confront this malicious threat led by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis,” said Domingo Garcia, LULAC national president. “Knowledge is our greatest daily defense to protecting families and individuals from being targeted by hateful racial policies. Children still need to go to school. Parents still have to work to put food on their tables, and seniors and the infirm still need medical care. Also, LULAC will be looking at all legal options against the state and for any racial profiling by law enforcement. We will ask for federal intervention like LULAC did in Arizona during their anti-immigrant crazy stage."
Lydia Medrano, LULAC national vice-president for the Southeast, emphasized the resilience of the people of Florida, stating, "Floridians cannot let politicians divide us with SB1718, code speak about so-called dangerous immigrant criminals when these are our laborers, the very men and women doing the hardest jobs around. In our hearts, we know better and must stand up for what's right."
Eliseo Santana Jr., Florida LULAC state director, expressed his disappointment in the divisive legislation, saying, "Florida LULAC says it is sad when our elected officials inflame, rather than calm the distrust; and divide, rather than unite our state. We are better than SB1718 and the persecution this hateful legislation unleashes on innocent people. Shame on those who support it."
LULAC Safety Tips for Latinos in Florida:
• Emergency Plan Execution: Identify a trusted person, whether a relative, loved one, neighbor, work colleague, compadre/comadre, or church leader, who can execute the emergency plan in case of detainment or deportation.
• Child Care: Determine who will care for and pick up your children from school while the emergency plan is in motion.
• Immigration Lawyer: Have a trusted immigration lawyer pre-vetted and chosen in advance to provide legal assistance if needed.
• Car Titles: Ensure that someone with a valid driver's license is also on the car title. This dual listing will enable them to retrieve the vehicle from impound or sell it for legal expenses if necessary.
• Power of Attorney for Children: Prepare legal documents granting power of attorney for your children. Doing so will authorize someone to make decisions regarding their schooling, medical care, and living arrangements in the event of your detainment.
• Power of Attorney for Financial Matters: Create power of attorney documents for bank accounts, allowing a trusted individual to access funds and collect any outstanding paychecks from an employer.
LULAC remains committed to defending the rights and well-being of the Latino community in Florida and nationwide. "We call upon every good-hearted American to stand with LULAC in telling Governor DeSantis BASTA!" says Garcia. "Stop the hate, and don't let him make Florida the symbol of politically driven racism and ignorance. These tactics of the past didn't work for Arizona, and they will fail Florida too," he added.

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About LULAC The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is the nation’s largest and oldest civil rights volunteer-based organization that empowers Hispanic Americans and builds strong Latino communities. Headquartered in Washington, DC, with 1,000 councils around the United States and Puerto Rico, LULAC’s programs, services and advocacy address the most important issues for Latinos, meeting critical needs of today and the future. For more information, visit |