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Tuesday, September 5th, 2023


Western ‘Civilization’ Is Doomed To Aggressive Collapse, and by its Own Hand

Gary D. Barnett

The Rise of the BRICS and the Fall of the USSA?

Ron Unz

How To Start the Final World War

L. Reichard White

A Manufactured Hate

Paul Gottfried

Party! Party!

James Howard Kunstler

Hotel Ukraine: ‘Sure, Check-Out Any Time, but You Can Never Leave’

Alastair Crooke

Arson Across the Globe! A for Profit Industry

Helena Glass

Gone But Not Forgotten: Five Classic Films That Southerners Should Explore

Boyd D. Cathey

‘Mad Max’ Conditions Are Coming

Michael Snyder

Solutions Are Scary: Part 1 – It’s Time To Bring Back Citizen Militias

Brandon Smith

No Respite for France as a ‘New Africa’ Rises

Pepe Escobar

Injustice, American Style: BLM Rioters Walk — J6 Defendants Get Almost 20 Years

Selwyn Duke

Political Theatre

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