This Labor Day, we are reflecting on a historic victory from earlier this year. After decades of NILC’s advocacy, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced a new, streamlined process for immigrant workers to get temporary protections from deportation if they stand up to abusive employers at work.
This was a big win for workers and advocates across the country.
Millions of people are potentially eligible for this relief — which could help improve working conditions across the country — but many eligible workers have never heard of this policy. Even workers who have heard of deferred action may not be able to access legal assistance or know how to apply on their own.
To meet this need, NILC has partnered with local community-based organizations to maximize the number of workers who are able to access relief. We have published resources and hosted dozens of trainings to educate attorneys and workers on how deferred action can make worksites — and entire communities — safer.
Friend, we still have a lot of work to do, and we need your help to ensure that all workers are protected by the law and can safely speak up for themselves. Please support our work in ensuring this groundbreaking policy can benefit all workers across the country facing unfair or unsafe labor practices >>>
By supporting our work, you are affirming that all of us, regardless of immigration status, should be able to work in a safe environment, earn a living wage, and feel confident speaking up about workplace abuse without fear of retaliation.
As always, thank you for your support in driving NILC’s mission forward.
Jessie Hahn
Senior Counsel, Labor & Employment Policy
National Immigration Law Center
P.S. For more information about this work, visit NILC's website.