John –

It's the last day of the Fair. If you haven't made it out -- and you can handle the heat today -- you should be headed there now. I could not recommend the Fair more, it's one of the best things about being Minnesotan!

The end of the Fair also means an exciting day for us at Team Blaha. We're officially announcing the victoror of our Great Minnesota Count Together, the person who guessed the closest to the number of beans used in my crop art piece this year.

Honorable mentions go to Grivna Sieglinde, April Conlee, and Jessica Hayssen who all came with 500 beans and honorable mentions to Deen Browyn, Bill Pick, and Jordon Martinek who were within 1000.

And without further delay, our winner is:

Susanna Patterson!

Her guess of 7897 was within 4% of the actual total of 8189. Congratulations, Susanna, and to everyone who gave it their best!

Chris tells me every email should have an ask, but I'm not sure where to go from here, so I guess I'm asking that you take a look at all of the great photos I have from this year's Fair!

Thank you again to everyone who played!




Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States