Tuesday, March 3, 12 noon (Eastern)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058; Participant Access Code: 147414
The Israeli elections go to the polls on March 2nd for another round of elections that may have dramatic consequences for Israel’s future. Hear political and strategic affairs expert Yossi Alpher on the following day as he assesses the results and their potential repercussions.

"...with the support of Jews across the nation, we will build a powerful coalition that can use the resources of the World Zionist Organization and its affiliated groups as a way to make change for the better. To improve the lives of Israelis of all faiths, and Palestinians as well."
Hadar Susskind, Campaign Director of the HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate, in a letter to encourage voting before the March 11 deadline. Go HERE for more information on HATIKVAH and to vote.

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.
February 24, 2020, - Election Countdown
Q. You are writing one week before Israel’s third straight Knesset election in a year, this one on March 2. Are the prospects any different this time?
A. ...a number of factors — some new on the scene, some repeats or constants — could still affect the outcome....
Q. Start with Netanyahu’s trial, opening barely two weeks after election day.
A. ...it poses the possibility that, in the event of yet another electoral stalemate outcome, and with Netanyahu facing an immediate trial on multiple corruption charges, President Rivlin will intervene more forcefully than previously...
Q. Netanyahu challenged Gantz to a TV debate. Why did Gantz turn him down?
A. ...It appears that Netanyahu was concerned with electoral fallout over the trial...
Q. Gaza, yet again?
A. ...Rockets continue to fall in the Gaza periphery, and residents run for cover, as this is being written on Monday, February 24.
Q. What about West Bank Palestinians? Has dissatisfaction with Trump’s highly prejudicial ‘deal of the century’ generated any signs of a new intifada erupting?
A. Not so far...
Q. Could Covid-19 (the corona virus) have an effect on these elections?
A. Covid-19 has definitely arrived in Israel from the far east...
Q. Okay, but at the end of the day, assuming another draw between the two blocs, what has to happen in coalition talks to avoid a fourth round? Surely some politicians in a position of tie-breaker will consider compromising their views in order to bring glory upon themselves by enabling the emergence of a governing coalition...
A. Here are the possibilities, based purely on rumor, supposition and perhaps wishful thinking...
Q. Bottom line?
A. We’ll rejoin these possibilities, and perhaps explore new options, a day after the March 2 elections.

BRIEFING CALL: "Israel’s Election Results – A Strategic analysis" with Yossi Alpher
Tuesday, March 3, 12 noon (Eastern)
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058; Participant Access Code: 147414

URGENT BRIEFING CALL FROM JERUSALEM - Friday, February 28, 11:00 pm (Eastern Time)
"Cutting off East Jerusalem from the West Bank" with Danny Seidemann
Dial-in Number: 951-797-1058; Participant Access Code: 147414
Israeli authorities just advanced three new settlement initiatives which would cut off East Jerusalem from the West Bank and deny contiguity to a future Palestinian state. These initiatives come days before Israel’s national elections and as a joint Israeli-American committee starts determining the status of West Bank settlements.
Jerusalem expert and longtime analyst Danny Seidemann will join us from Jerusalem to discuss these developments and the Israeli government’s preparatory measures to annex large swathes of the West Bank.

APN to Netanyahu: Reverse New Settlement Plans
APN is alarmed at the Israeli government's advancement of three new settlement initiatives around East Jerusalem, which would deny contiguity to a future Palestinian state -- plans that in the past were blocked by US administrations, both Republican and Democratic.
APN joins its Israeli sister organization, Shalom Achshav (Peace Now) in calling these plans "a national disaster that must be stopped." APN calls on Netanyahu to reverse these plans, and on fellow American Jewish organizations, including mainstream groups that claim to endorse the two-state solution, to join our call.

PeaceCast #110: "Democracy Built on Sand" with Arye (Arik) Carmon
At a time of great challenge to Israeli democracy, hear from one of Israel’s foremost experts on political reform. Arye (Arik) Carmon founded and directed the Israel Democracy Institute, and is author of the new book "Building Democracy on Sand: Israel without a Constitution."
Subscribe to APN's PeaceCast at iTunes or Google Play

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VOTING STILL OPEN for the World Zionist Congress

Help determine the future of the Jewish state and the Jewish people and vote for the new HATIKVAH: Progressive Israel Slate, which APN and 10 other organizations have formed.
APN Board Member Letty Cottin Pogrebin, pictured, is #11 on the HATIKVAH slate.
Go HERE for more information on HATIKVAH and to vote.