Thanks to the fearless organizing of union leaders throughout the years, we can now all reap the benefits of a 40 hour work week, workplace safety, and the end of child labor.

 Diana DeGette for Congress

Did you know that Colorado was one of the first states to create an official labor holiday, Johh?

Today, we are celebrating all our workers and commemorating the labor heroes of our past and present, in Colorado and across the country. Thanks to the fearless organizing of union leaders throughout the years, we can now all reap the benefits of a 40-hour work week, workplace safety, and the end of child labor.

I have always stood as an ally for working families by championing legislation strengthening workers’ rights, healthcare access and affordability, retirement security, and maintaining good jobs in our global marketplace. One of my core beliefs is that when our workers win, we all win.

This Labor Day, I pledge to continue fighting for working families both at home and in the workplace.

Happy Labor Day, Johh!



Diana is relying on grassroots donors to continue fighting for Colorado values in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $5 — or whatever you can today — to help her keep fighting?


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Paid for by Diana DeGette for Congress, Inc., Edgar Neel, Treasurer

Diana DeGette for Congress
PO Box 61337
Denver, CO 61337
United States

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