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More than 100,000 people live in New York City’s shelter system today.

It’s outrageous many of them are longtime New Yorkers stuck in our broken system for years. Yet, New York’s right-to-shelter law has proved to be a lifeline for asylum seekers who need a roof over their heads as they begin rebuilding their lives here.

A shortage of immigration attorneys and pro-bono lawyers in New York means few of our new neighbors have been able to move forward with their asylum cases, leaving them without work permits—and without the ability to work towards financial independence. 

As conditions in continue to deteriorate in the home countries of our newest New Yorkers-- a solution exists: expedited work authorizations via re-designating Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Venezuela, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Nepal, Sudan, South Sudan, and Cameroon, and designating it for Guatemala, Mauritania, Mali, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Senegal, Haiti, and Nigeria will put the majority of our new arrivals on the pathway to immigration relief, safety, and financial independence.

This Labor Day, join us on Twitter to demand President Biden expand Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to more countries in order to ensure safety and opportunity for our newest neighbors!

Our newest New Yorkers want to work and contribute to our communities. @POTUS, its time to expand #TPS to:

✳️Guatemala✳️Venezuela ✳️Cameroon
✳️Honduras ✳️Mauritania ✳️Nigeria ✳️Haiti
✳️El Salvador✳️Mali ✳️DRC ✳️Senegal
✳️Nicaragua ✳️Nepal✳️Sudan✳️South Sudan


Tweet: Demand POTUS expand TPS to grant work authorizations to asylum seekers NOW!

Many of us have seen an increase in young families selling candy in the subways, exhibiting the tenacity of people  moving towards self-sufficiency despite the harassment and labor abuses they face. 

Once our newest New Yorker’s can begin working, they can leave the overcrowded and overburdened shelter system, find permanent housing, and finally have the opportunity to not just survive but work towards their American dream.

There are businesses all over New York State desperate to hire, and our newcomers are ready to work—-all they need is a work permit. Immigrants have enriched our state and country with their social, cultural, and economic contributions for generations. Now is no different. 

As the son of Palestinian immigrants who came to this country in search of better opportunities for themselves and their children, I know our newest New Yorkers want the same things as so many of our families. All they need is  immigration relief and a work permit to get a fair shot at achieving the American Dream.

In power,

Murad Awawdeh
Executive Director

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New York Immigration Coalition · 131 W 33rd St Ste 610 · New York, NY 10001-2967 · USA