The spirit of Labor Day is alive and well! A recent poll of American voters conducted by the AFL-CIO reports that 75% of voters support workers’ rights to strike and organize for better pay, benefits, and working conditions. 88% of voters under the age of 30 support unions and a staggering 90% of those support strikes. The future of labor is limitless if we do the work! 

Public support of democratic workplaces didn’t happen overnight. Worker-led movements have sprung into action this year and the Jobs With Justice network has been right there fighting alongside workers, community leaders, and union partners. From supporting new union organizing like Trader Joe’s United to standing in solidarity with Teamsters against corporate giants like UPS, we’re prepared to stoke the momentum of Hot Labor Summer for months to come. But we can’t do it alone. 



In Solidarity, 

Erica Smiley

Executive Director

Jobs With Justice