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Monday, September 4th, 2023


Ron Paul for President!

Lew Rockwell

BRICS Summit Proves Geography Trumps Currency

Tom Luongo

Strange But True: “Price Gouging” Benefits People in Disaster Areas

Brian McGlinchey

Lawrence of Arabia and Yevgeny Pigrozhin

David Martin

First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program

Elizabeth Nickson

A Call for Justice

Walter Gelles

Boiling Frogs Towards Nuclear Armageddon?

Strategic Culture Foundation

The Empire Is Poised To Strike Back

Chuck Baldwin

The Panacea

Chris Sullivan

Is AI ‘Sacred’ Art Actually Sacrilegious?

Joshua Madden

Wikipedia Is an Information Warfare Tool

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Hedging the End of Fiat

Alasdair Macleod

Political Theatre

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