From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject ⚔︎ MAGA War ⚔︎
Date September 3, 2023 1:10 PM
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'Trump ultras Blake Masters and Kari Lake lost as Arizona ticketmates in 2022. Next year they could be rivals...'

You heard that right.

Kari Lake and Blake Masters are expected to go head to head for the GOP nomination in Arizona.

The knives are out. But remember who these people are:

Masters’ rhetoric has verged into outright anti-semtism. He called abortion “demonic”. His connections to conspiratorial, far-right tech billionaires in Silicon Valley are well documented.

Kari Lake is still pushing the same lies that led to an insurrection at the Capitol in 2021. Lies that cost people their lives and brought our democracy to the brink.

This isn’t just about winning anymore. This isn’t just about controlling the Senate. This is about saving our democracy.

So right now, I’m asking you to help me beat them. Chip in to my campaign. To stop Masters and Lake before they get even more power and influence. Can I count on you?

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Both of them are dangerous. And in a race between me, Kyrsten Sinema, and one of them, they don’t even have to win a majority.

They just have to win more than us.

That’s why I need you with me,

So please, make that donation.

Thank you.


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