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The National Party

Dear John, 

This election is critical. It will be a defining moment for New Zealand and shape this country for generations to come.

I know that most New Zealanders, regardless of who we are or where we live, are trying to do the right thing, but we’re going backwards.

My message is – hang on: help is coming. In 41 days, New Zealanders have the opportunity to elect a National government and get New Zealand back on track.

My pledge to New Zealand will be the bedrock of a government I lead and I guarantee that a National led government will: 

  1. Lower inflation and grow the economy  so that we ease the cost of living and create better-paying jobs.  

  2. Let you keep more of what you earn.  We will provide tax relief of around $100 a fortnight  for a couple without kids who have the average household income of $120,000 

  3. Build infrastructure. We’re planning 13 new Roads of National Significance, and the four major public transport upgrades that National announced recently. 

  4. Restore law & order.  We’ll back Police to tackle gangs and establish boot camps for serious young offenders. 

  5. Lift educational achievement because right now, fewer than half of Year 8s are ready for high school and half our 15-year-olds fail the most basic maths, reading and writing test.  

  6. Cut waiting times in the health system by training and retaining more doctors, nurses and midwives. 

  7. Support seniors. We’ll increase New Zealand Superannuation every year and boost it with our tax relief plan which will see a superannuitant couple get an additional $26 per fortnight.

  8. Deliver Net Zero by 2050 and we’ll do it by doubling New Zealand’s renewable electricity generation, and by giving farmers the tools they need to reduce agricultural emissions.

This is my personal pledge to you and to all New Zealanders.

This eight-point manifesto of commitments will focus National in government, and every New Zealander will know our priorities.

This election the choice is clear.

Only a PARTY VOTE FOR NATIONAL can change the government and get our country back on track.

Thank you.

PS: Every dollar counts to help us run our campaign to change the government. And we need your help. Can you donate $20?