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Editor's Note:

There was a time when parents were confident that their local schools were looking out for the best interests of their children. Parents and school officials were on the same team in their desire for the best possible education for their students. What used to be a positive partnership, however, is quickly changing. Sure, Joy Pullmann is describing school policies in Madison, Wisconsin, but more conservative communities are not immune. "Don't tell the parents" is the new motto for educational systems that want to focus on everything but education, to the detriment of students and their families. Parents must investigate their own districts' policies. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
February 26, 2020
Wisconsin Parents Sue To Keep Schools From Hiding Their Kids’ Gender Dysphoria

Wisconsin’s second-largest school district so far won’t back off a policy of keeping minor students’ transgender experimentation secret from their parents despite a new lawsuit filed Tuesday.

A group of parents represented by Wisconsin Institute of Law and Liberty sued after the Madison Metropolitan School District refused to alter its policy of concealing childrens’ transgender behavior and related medical records from parents, no matter how young the child is. The district oversees children as young as preschoolers, and teaches gender identity politics to all ages, which research suggests may contribute to children identifying as transgender.

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