Lauren Boebert is panicking!

BREAKING POLL: Adam Frisch LEADING Lauren Boebert – 50% to 48%!

Hello – Lauren Boebert is PANICKING:

FIRST: After losing by just 546 votes in 2022, Adam Frisch announced he is running against Lauren Boebert again in 2024 – giving us our best chance ever to defeat her.

THEN: New fundraising reports filed with the FEC show that Adam Frisch out-raised Lauren Boebert – without one dime from corporate PACs.

AND NOW: A brand-new poll shows Adam LEADING Boebert – 50% to 48% – confirming she is still as vulnerable as ever.

Lauren Boebert is the only extremist in Congress who can actually be defeated, and in 2024, we will do just that. But her Super PACs and Washington allies are already attacking Adam – and her far-right donors are going to respond to this news by dumping millions more into Boebert’s campaign coffers.

We’ve set a goal of raising another $75,000 for Adam’s campaign this weekend to help counter their lies, and we’re so close to hitting it. But if Adam Frisch is going to take the lead and finally kick Lauren Boebert out of Congress, we need grassroots donors like you to give right now.

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now – whatever you can afford to spare today – to help Adam Frisch finally defeat Lauren Boebert in 2024?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Grassroots support from people like you is what’s gotten us this far. Let’s keep up the momentum!

Thank you so much,

Team Frisch