Dear Friend,
I am moved by your generous support over the past two days. Please keep it coming! We are getting closer to our goal and your contributions are helping us get there.
In the meantime, I want to keep you informed about the campaign.
Politics is an art as well as a science, decisions often based on intuition as much as strategy.
Group consciousness is an oft-referred to phenomenon. There are things we can all just feel happening, like ideas that have taken hold beneath the surface of things.
That’s why I feel good about where we are. Despite repeated efforts by the DNC to put a lid on any deviation from the narrative that “we all need to just get behind Biden," people are asking questions for themselves.
It’s no longer considered taboo or disrespectful to discuss whether the President has the mental or physical stamina to make it another four years in the most strenuous job in the world.
People want to know why in a democracy the Democratic Party isn’t planning to hold debates.
And Democrats are questioning whether “Look how much we’ve already done” is the really the best message for the 2024 campaign, given that for eighty percent of the people the answer is “Not all that much.”
My positions — from universal health care to tuition free college and tech school to a guaranteed living wage and more — are considered moderate positions in every other advanced democracy. And they are positions that are agreed with by the majority of both Republicans as well as Democrats today. |