A textbook case of environmental racism – that’s what’s happening in Louisiana, Friend. More than 200 petrochemical plants and other toxic facilities are POISONING the air for the surrounding predominately Black communities in a region known as Cancer Alley.

Imagine your community surrounded by towering smokestacks spewing dark clouds into the air and seemingly endless networks of snaking wires and pipelines. Imagine suffering from increased asthma rates and an air pollution linked cancer rate 50 TIMES the national average!

Now imagine a massive corporation coming into your community to build another mega-polluting plastics complex. The people living in Cancer Alley don’t have to imagine – because this is their reality. President Biden could revoke Formosa Plastics’ permit and STOP this plant in its tracks – but we’re running out of time to convince him. Stop the construction of this toxic plant in Cancer Alley before it’s too late! >>

The Formosa plant would span 2,300 acres along the Mississippi River, harming the birds, fish and reptiles that depend on the local habitat. Plastic pellets like the ones that Formosa Plastics has a track record of illegally releasing from its factories are often mistaken for food by wildlife – which can INJURE or KILL animals!

There is no shortage of reasons why this toxic plastics plant should be immediately banned from Cancer Alley. But so far, none of those reasons has pushed President Biden to act. You could be the reason he changes his mindbut every day we waste, this plant is one step closer to being finished. We need 1,492 more signatures to send to President Biden by midnight tonight! Please, Friend, add yours and help stop Formosa Plastics!

Standing with you,
Paloma Henriques
Senior Petrochemical Campaigner,
Friends of the Earth
