Tell the Big Three Auto CEOs:
Meet UAW workers’ demands of fair pay, benefits and scheduling!
Hi John,
Corporations declared war on the union movement a generation ago, and inequality has raged out of control ever since―directing virtually all new wealth to the richest 1%.
That same inequality is at the base of the long-term Social Security funding shortfall―if the ultra-rich paid their fair share, we could not only afford Social Security, we could afford to increase it.
As this Hot Labor Summer gives way to a Crisp Labor Autumn, United Auto Workers are at an impasse with the Big Three automakers. The current contract expires on September 14th.
The Big Three have raked in a combined $20 billion in profits in the first six months of this year, while workers are making $10 an hour LESS than they did in 2007 when adjusted for inflation.
This is the same dynamic that’s threatening our Social Security system. When unions win, Social Security wins.
Where unions go, higher wages and better workplace protections follow. Higher wages strengthen Social Security, and safer workplaces reduce disability claims.
Send a message to the greedy CEOs of Ford, GM, and Stellantis: Pay your workers what they’re worth!
In Solidarity,
Alex Lawson Social Security Works