URGENT PETITION: Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup, is wiping out monarch caterpillars’ only food source. Take action now! >>

Do you remember the classic children’s picture book The Very Hungry Caterpillar? Unlike the fictional character in that story, monarch caterpillars don’t feed on cheese or apples. Their only food source is a plant called milkweed — and it’s being DECIMATED by glyphosate, the active ingredient in Bayer-Monsanto’s Roundup.

Monarch butterflies are ENDANGERED. And without milkweed to reproduce and feed their offspring, they are at even further risk of EXTINCTION.

If monarchs are going to have a chance at survival, Bayer-Monsanto must own up to the harms that Roundup poses to pollinators and our planet. But instead, the greedy corporation continues to prioritize profits. Friend, will you demand accountability from Bayer-Monsanto and help save the last of the endangered monarch butterfly population before it’s too late? Add your name now! >>

The widespread use of pesticides in our food system has had far-reaching detrimental impacts on monarch butterflies. A recent study found every single sample of milkweed tested was contaminated with harmful pesticides — including ONE THIRD with levels that are DEADLY to monarchs. So, while baby monarchs are hatching on toxic pesticide-covered milkweed, their first meal could be their last.

It’s not just monarchs that are at risk from glyphosate use either, Friend. Farms and homeowners are currently SUING Bayer-Monsanto due to their non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that’s been linked to the Roundup they’ve used on their farms and lawns. And the toxic pesticide has also been connected to reproductive harm, gut microbiome disruption, kidney toxicity, and fatty liver disease! 

Meanwhile, Bayer-Monsanto has avoided accountability. Instead, the powerful pesticide company has made active efforts to COVER UP the dangers of Roundup — manipulating science and evading pesticide regulations! Bayer-Monsanto must answer for its dangerous lies that have put pollinators, people, and the planet at risk. Friend, we can’t let Bayer-Monsanto get away with this. Can we count on you to speak up today and fight back against the pesticide industry’s corporate greed right now?

Thanks for joining the fight to protect pollinators and the planet,
Friends of the Earth
