Did you see the latest poll, folks?

Democratic challenger, Amy McGrath is TIED with Republican Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell.

You know what this means? Kentucky is winnable -- and we can send Mitch McConnell packing in 2020.

Rush a split contribution now to help Amy meet her end-of-month goal, capture this momentum, and build a winning campaign against McConnell so Democrats can flip the Senate.

Rush a donation now

McConnell has done nothing but turn the Senate into a legislative graveyard. He’s put the interests of lobbyists and dark-money groups ahead of the American people. He’s tried to repeal the Affordable Care Act, passed a tax scam that benefitted the ultra-wealthy, and he’s packed our courts with extremist right-wing judges.

Plenty of bills I’ve worked on have gathered enough support from both sides of the aisle to pass -- only for McConnell to refuse to call a vote.

He has to go.

Amy served our country in Iraq and Afghanistan and was the first woman to fly in a combat mission for the Marine Corps. So I can tell you — she won’t back down from a tough fight with Mitch McConnell.

Ready to beat McConnell and take back the Senate? Rush a split contribution now to make sure Amy has the resources she needs to win this competitive race.

Rush a donation now

Time to take back the Senate.

— Jon