Dear Friend,
I’m sure you’ll understand my
reason for writing this email to you with such urgency. Briefly, it’s
hard to describe the horror that I felt when I read a letter of the
Archbishop of Berlin, Germany, that openly insults the Bride of Christ
and rejects long-standing Church teaching.
I am referring to Abp. Heiner
Koch’s letter to his priests granting them authorization to bless “same-sex couples” with no fear of retribution from Church
You read that
This move comes after the fully
scandalous synod process in Germany that has undermined core Church
teachings on human sexuality as easily as Martin Luther tore out seven
books of the Old Testament when they did not fit his agenda of radical
In his letter, Archbishop Koch used
all the strategic ambiguity that radicals are known for employing to
break down structures and force us to operate in increasingly
turbulent and complex environments. In other words, to sow disorder
where there is order and to make every straight road crooked. As an
example, Archbishop Koch peppered his letter
with phrases such as
” “it is no longer possible to say that all who are in any
so-called irregular situation are in a state of mortal sin and have
lost sanctifying grace”. (No,
your Excellency, they are objectively sinful acts);
- “pastoral discernment” (No, your Excellency, this policy is
undermining and attacking core teachings);
“,” He urged priests to use their judgement in deciding who was
eligible for such blessings and said he hoped the archdiocese would
succeed in “preserving unity in diversity”. (No, your Excellency, unity is preserved by
upholding the truth of Christ);
- and many
other such platitudes.
He went on to justify sinful
same-sex couplings in the most disingenuous and even deceitful
- “Acknowledging the goodness of a relationship is a way of
speaking well of God to those people” (false
- Such
blessings, he added, are not a “prize for the perfect but a powerful
medicine…for the weak” (false compassion), etc.
This kind of abuse of language and
twisting of Church teaching is simply intolerable!
In the past, the forces of
lawlessness attacked the Church from the outside. Today, they are on
the inside and doing exponentially more damage because
they are trying to uproot doctrine.
Of course, we know that “the gates
of hell shall not prevail against the Church” (Matthew 16:18-20), but
that is a statement about ultimate things and does not mean the
servants of darkness cannot do immense damage to souls in the here and
I can only speculate about this,
but I am guessing that Abp. Koch is sending out this same-sex
recommendation in preparation for an upcoming attempt to change
infallible Church teaching on marriage and human sexuality at the
universal level.
Mark my words, just as the
so-called Reformation started with one wayward German monk, the
initiative of this German archbishop could very possibly follow the
same dynamic of destruction. If this same-sex blessing charade is
allowed to proceed unchecked, it will unleash a tsunami of dissent and
heresy within the Body of Christ that will take generations to
That is why we at Catholic Action for Faith and Family will
NOT simply sit back and be silent about this. This is an egregious
abuse of religious authority, and we intend to make our voices heard
by mounting and leading a coordinated response of other organizations,
individuals, and apostolates to stand against
this. Please consider making
a donation to help us to shine the light of truth and
We may not be able to stop high-level prelates from ravaging our
beloved Church and her teaching on a wider scale, but we will counter
their “strategic ambiguity” at every move with “strategic clarity”
making it clear that no one abuses the Bride of Christ like this on
our watch.
I cannot help but think that this
First Friday honors the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Catholics around the
world also pray in reparation for the offenses committed against His
Most Sacred Heart. There is no better time than now to close the gap
on this madness before it spreads.
Won’t you help us with a
donation toward our Faithful Echo initiatives which
Cardinal Burke described as a Movement dedicated to drawing the clergy
and the lay faithful in ever closer unity to combat the darkness of
the present confusion, error and division in the
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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