Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog reports on a new survey measuring the effectiveness of the expanded Child Tax Credit in helping families avoid financial stress -- and what happened when the expansion ended. Plus, we discuss why and how more affordable prescription drugs for millions of Americans are on the horizon. Finally, we preview CHN's upcoming webinar on poverty and the release of new Census data. Please share!
This week on the blog...
Survey: The end of expanded Child Tax Credits led to financial stress for many
September 1
When expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments ended in December 2021, many families had a harder time paying bills and putting food on the table, and their levels of financial stress increased. That’s one of many findings of a recently released survey of more than 1,000 households that received in the benefits in the continental U.S., and another 500 households in Puerto Rico. READ MORE »
With Tuesday's announcement, lower drug prices closer for millions of Americans
August 29
A key provision to reduce prices for seniors came closer to reality Tuesday as the Biden Administration announced the first ten prescription drugs that will be subject to price negotiations between pharmaceutical companies and Medicare. Under the Inflation Reduction Act, Medicare now has the power to directly negotiate drug prices with manufacturers for the first time in the federal program’s nearly 60-year history. READ MORE »
Save the Date: CHN webinar on Census Bureau poverty data next Wednesday. At 3:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, September 6, the Coalition on Human Needs will host a webinar, How to Reduce Poverty: Using New Data to Show the Way. Later this month, the Census Bureau will release its annual poverty, income, and health insurance data. Register for the Coalition on Human Needs’ pre-release webinar to learn how to use the national, state, and local data to make the case for vital programs.
The new data will be especially important, because it will show the impact of Congress allowing the expanded Child Tax Credit to lapse in 2022. And it will show the anti-poverty effectiveness of many other programs, such as SNAP and housing assistance. It will also show who has health insurance, and whether it’s from Medicaid/CHIP, or private insurers.
This webinar will show you how to find the data, how to use it, and how to talk about it effectively. Register now.
Coalition on Human Needs
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