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Pew Research Center
Journalism & Media
February 26, 2020

Daily Briefing of Media News share on Twitter

In Today's news:   ABC suspends David Wright following Project Veritas sting, CBS criticized for Democratic debate moderation, and a look at how Americans value media’s watchdog role.
Top Stories

ABC News suspends correspondent David Wright after Project Veritas sting

Coronavirus? Yes, but first: Soda ban. CBS criticized after a chaotic debate

Most say journalists should be watchdogs, but views of how well they fill this role vary by party, media diet

Press & Government

Chris Wallace says he’s “horrified” by Jim Acosta’s press conference behavior

Media Business

Univision sells to group led by ex-Viacom executive for less than $10 Billion [Subscription required]

Disney has a new CEO, but its old CEO isn’t going away quite yet

Social Media

Journalists face the wrath of Bernie Sanders supporters

Facebook is banning ads that promise to cure the coronavirus

Online Media

“Big tech is watching you. Who’s watching big tech?” The Markup is finally ready for liftoff

Media Ethics

Freelancers resist precarity by sharing rates and organizing

Six women. Two years. One better family leave policy.


The Daily Briefing of Media News is edited by Amy Mitchell and Katerina Eva Matsa and compiled by Pew Research Center staff, including: Michael Barthel, Jeffrey Gottfried, Elizabeth Grieco, Maya Khuzam, Elisa Shearer, Galen Stocking, Mason Walker and Kirsten Worden.