Help us end commercial whaling
Hello John,

The devastating news for whales is that the Icelandic government has announced a return to commercial whaling, following a suspension of activities earlier this season.  

With your help, we must keep up the pressure on the Icelandic authorities to stop the brutal, entirely unjustifiable killing of these magnificent creatures.

EIA is a member of an alliance of charities that recently pushed Iceland’s government to commission an animal welfare review on whaling.

The review’s report made stark reading. It clearly showed the terrible suffering experienced by fin whales that are shot by explosive harpoons.

Based on last year’s figures, the suspension of whaling in Iceland following the review has probably saved up to 150 whales from enduring a similar fate this season.

Can you make a gift to support our work, protect wildlife and help us end commercial whaling for good?
This is an emotional issue for me because I’ve seen the reality of whaling with my own eyes.

In 2014, I travelled to Iceland for an EIA investigation, where we witnessed the butchery of a fin whale from a hill overlooking the dock. One man jumped onto a thick layer of blubber being dragged along the dock and surfed along it. It was extremely upsetting to watch. I find such contempt and disrespect for the second largest animal on the planet hard to understand.

But thanks to your generous support, EIA is helping to turn the tide on whaling.

Please help us now in our fight to end commercial whaling forever.
Please Donate
We are so grateful for any gift that you’re able to give us today. Together, we can make a crucial difference.

With best wishes.

Clare Perry
Senior Adviser, Ocean Campaign
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