Genuine Parts' fourth quarter was powered by its Automotive Parts Group, which was profitable and had more than twice the sales growth of the company as a whole. Fourth-quarter auto-parts sales increased by 8.7% thanks in large part to the NAPA AutoCare Center network.
SpartanNash has introduced the Flashfood app at five Family Fare supermarkets in Michigan. The app notifies customers about food items that are approaching their best-by date and thus can be purchased at a reduced price.
6 Ways RPS Solutions Improve Compliance Given the sheer volume of restricted party entities, coupled with fast paced logistics, screening your customer base manually is not only inefficient, but in many cases impossible. Solutions can vary greatly depending on the requirements you have, as well as the vendor you choose. In this white paper, we explore criteria to look for when searching for an optimal restricted party screening (RPS) solution. Download now!
Determining how profitable a customer is and how much business it does can inform a company's best practices when it comes to pricing, writes ActVantage co-founder Pradip Krishnadevarajan. Finding ways to stratify and better serve customers is helpful to the bottom line and a business's future, he writes.
State of the Wholesale Supply Chain Industry in 2020 For the third straight year, Blue Ridge asked wholesale supply industry leaders about their challenges, how they're thinking about solving them and how they're dealing with the pace of technological change. One key finding for the 2020 survey is the adoption of new machine learning, such as A.I., which is on the rise as a strategy to combat supply chain disruption. Get the report to read more.
Sales proposals should indicate a clear understanding of the buyer's needs as well as details about the solution being offered and pricing information, writes John Doerr. Make sure to substantiate any claims made about your product or service through case studies, qualifications or results of previous customers, Doerr writes.
Rajesh Jain, founder and managing director of global marketing technology firm Netcore, talks in the interview about how marketing will change in the future as a result of technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine earning and facial recognition. He predicts a shift from adtech to martech, which will provide opportunities to develop personalized interactions on a larger scale.
Companies can lead a successful business transformation by engaging in a nine-step Strategic Fitness Process outlined by Harvard emeritus professor Michael Beer. The process begins with senior leaders and involves a task force that talks with at least 100 employees, among other steps.
Discover competitive advantage. Execute strategy. Usher change. Cultivate innovation. Inspire. Motivate. Influence. Assemble top-performing teams. Model leadership. Plus, understand all aspects of running a successful distribution company so your business increases profits and reduces costs. Your leaders will build the confidence, skills and abilities they need to contribute to the future success of your business when they complete the NAW Distribution Leadership Program, June 15-19, at The Ohio State University. Learn more.
Called the "Master class in innovation for distributors," "Innovate to Dominate: The 12th Edition in the Facing the Forces of Change Series" has arrived. A roadmap for innovation, it helps distributors connect the dots between the forces of change and how distributors can change their business to capture opportunities -- and defend their business when necessary. The best innovations are about getting ahead instead of catching up.
"Optimizing Distributor Profitability: Best Practices to a Stronger Bottom Line" is a groundbreaking research study -- with an oversize, step-by-step wall map -- that features 47 best practices and 50 action steps developed from actual experiences with 84 real-world wholesale distribution firms. This perennial best-seller is a powerful weapon to use to enhance your shareholder value. Also available as an e-book. Download a sample.