
We entrust teachers to educate our children. Normally, they go above and beyond the call of duty. If you asked them, they would say it’s all in a day’s work.

Teachers aren’t just educators. They are moms, dads, friends, coaches, leaders, advocates, organizers, therapists, musicians, athletes, nurses, and caregivers. 

Teachers are the cornerstone of our communities. We aren’t treating them like it.

Sign here if you agree: it’s time to value our teachers by paying them a livable wage.

Maine is ranked 39th in average salaries for its teachers. Only 14% of new teachers in Maine are expected to remain long enough in their profession to qualify for pension benefits. 

Because of their low salaries, mid-career teachers may qualify for government assistance and benefits programs. That’s unacceptable.

In the wealthiest country in the world, it is unacceptable that we pay our teachers subminimum wages. Join us in the fight to increase teacher’s salaries.

For all the selfless work they do, teachers should make a livable wage. 

When I’m Senator, I’ll fight to make sure of it.

In Solidarity,


Betsy Sweet for U.S. Senate
PO Box 487
Hallowell, ME 04347
United States