In January of this year, best-selling author Jordan Peterson was told by Canada’s College of Psychologists of Ontario to undergo re-education therapy for his very public statements, not on professional psychology and science, but politics and culture. The Canadian College of Psychologists holds Peterson says things they don’t care for and feel they have the duty to fix his beliefs. Peterson took his case to court because the College’s order threatens his professional licensure.
The Ontario Divisional Court dismissed Dr. Peterson’s claim in late August and upheld the College of Psychologists’ demand. The court’s ruling admits its concern is “language used by Dr. Peterson in public statements” made in 2022. The nature of these statements?
The Court explains Peterson’s words were “degrading, demeaning and unprofessional.”
So the author and wildly popular commentator must undergo, at his own expense, a “coaching program” directed by the Canadian College of Psychologists so that he might “reflect on, and ameliorate [his] professionalism in public statements.”
Peterson responded to the ruling by saying, “Bring it on” in a social media post, telling his fellow citizens, “If you think you have a right to free speech in Canada, you’re delusional.”
Peterson stated he will make his forced re-education process very public so that everyone can see exactly what he is being subjected to, explaining “we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule.” |