
Dear Friend,

Every day, Adhikaar strives to strengthen community safety and cross-cultural dialogue, to make sure our members feel seen and recognized as integral members of society who can live, work, worship, and be in community with one another with joy and dignity. 

As we reach the end of this quarterly newsletter, we hope that you enjoyed reading about our programs and campaigns. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and Twitter to stay up to date about our work.


At Adhikaar we offer culturally and language competent workforce development programs. One of them is the Nail Salon on-the-job training where they learn and sharpen their beauty skills by practicing. Through this program, four of our members were recently hired at nail salon.

In June our 18th batch of members completed the theory portion of their New York State Nail Salon licensing course, housed in Adhikaar and run in partnership with NYCOSH as part of the NY Beauty School. [Read more…]

We pushed through the end of the New York State legislative session for our #AllHandsIn campaign for this legislation session with both in-person and virtual action. [Read more…]

In June, over 30 member leaders from Adhikaar and the New York Healthy Nail Salon Coalition members came together to celebrate, reflect, and debrief on our #AllHandsIn campaign in this legislative session. [Read more…]

A core component of all of Adhikaar’s programs involves the safety and well-being of our community members. In response to the rise in attacks against Asian American communities in New York, we held conversations with our members and conducted an org-wide survey. Based on this survey, we organized a series of self-defense training and held discussions for at least 75 members over the last 12 months. [Read more…]

Adhikaar in the news! [Read more…]


Thank you for taking the time to support and uplift our work. Your donation helps Adhikaar reach its vision to build a powerful, diverse, and intergenerational community that embraces one whole self. 

In solidarity,


The Adhikaar team


Check out our previous newsletters highlighting:

  • Newsletter 1: Domestic Worker, Adult Literacy, and New Immigrant Navigation program
  • Newsletter 2. Immigration/TPS, Casework, Healthcare, and Youth program