John, it's Emily from Team Gillibrand. I'll give you the bad news first: Last night, we missed our $50,000 end-of-month goal by less than $1,000.
I know that this was an ambitious goal from the start. But these are the kinds of numbers we need to be putting up to compete with GOP megadonors and defend our narrow Senate majority. I know that less than $1,000 might not sound like much, but in an election year like 2024, it can make all the difference.
Thankfully, there's some good news too: If everyone reading this email chips in even just $5, we could hit our goal today and start September on a strong foot.
Because you're one of Kirsten's most reliable supporters, I need you with me on this. Please, will you chip in $5 (or $10 or whatever you can spare today) to hit this goal and ensure that we can send Kirsten back to the Senate and defend our Democratic majority? Here's your own personal donation link: secure.actblue.com/contribute/page/gfs_fr_defend-senate-2023
GOP opponents will begin jumping into this race any day now. We've got to get back on track ASAP to show Kirsten's rivals that this seat isn't up for grabs. Can I count on you to help out tonight?
Thanks so much,
Emily (Kirsten's digital director)
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