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Subject EEOC Says Businesses Must Fund Abortions
Date September 1, 2023 2:16 PM
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September 1, 2023
Take Action!
Tell the EEOC to Stop Pushing Women Toward Abortion

Once again, the Biden administration has found another loophole to push their abortion agenda. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is issuing a new rule ([link removed]) that forces nearly all businesses to provide leave for their employees to obtain abortions. We must let the EEOC know that we are disgusted with their course of action.

Last year, the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (H.R. 1065) ([link removed]) passed into law. This bill required all businesses with over fifteen employees to provide maternity leave for pregnant women. The responsibility to implement this policy fell on the EEOC, but they instead warped the language to fit their own agenda.

Now, the EEOC wants to force businesses to provide "maternity" leave for women obtaining abortions. While they provided a religious exemption for religious organizations, the language is very narrow and includes a caveat that the EEOC will handle these on a case-by-case basis. Seeing that the Biden administration has targeted religious and conservative organizations for their differences in opinion, we cannot trust them to be fair in issuing those exemptions.

This rule does not protect non-religious businesses. Bakery owners, boutique stores, and floral shops are just examples of industries that will be forced to provide abortion accommodations on their dime should the situation arise. If they refuse, they could be prosecuted by the federal government in expensive litigation that could take years.

You can make your voice heard on the new EEOC regulation forcing employers to cover time off for abortions by submitting a comment. We have provided you with a sample comment, but recommend you edit the language in your own words. If the comment differs from others, the EEOC must read and respond to each individual's comment. Submit your comments before October 10th to let them know that you oppose this regulation. ([link removed])

Sample Comment:

As an American citizen, I am concerned about the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s implementation of the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act. I believe that pregnant mothers and their babies deserve the utmost care and support. However, the EEOC has warped the language to include leave for women seeking abortions.

Under this language, business owners will be put in a terrible position. This leaves the door open for owners to encourage women to obtain abortions so they can keep their employees in their positions. On the other hand, if an owner has moral or religious beliefs opposing abortion, they are still forced by federal law to provide this accommodation. While the rule allows a religious exemption, it is narrowly written for the most explicit religious organizations and is still subject to scrutiny on a case-by-case basis. This does not protect business owners who sincerely oppose abortion.
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