From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject Really Not Great!
Date September 1, 2023 2:10 PM
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Friend, I hate to do this — especially after so many of you stepped up and chipped in to our campaign at our end-of-month deadline.

But I have some bad news: We came up short of our goal yesterday. By a good amount.

When we come up short once, it’s a problem. But if we keep coming up short, it’s a real threat to this campaign, our ability to win in Arizona, and the likelihood that we can hold the Senate. With Kari Lake set to announce and Blake Masters at the ready, now is NOT the time to fall behind.

But here’s the good news: We still have a shot at winning. This is a long race. If we come together and catch up to cover our shortfall from last month, we have a shot. If we keep coming together, keep hitting these goals, we will take back Kyrsten Sinema’s seat.

That’s why we’ve set a 24 Hour Fundraising Drive to catch up. We have to do this the only way we know how — with as many donations as we can possibly get from people who understand how important this race is.

Can you make a contribution to this campaign today as part of our 24-Hour Fundraising Drive? We need your help to catch up.

Contribute: [link removed]

We can’t count on a handful of billionaires to bail us out right now. That ain’t in the cards for us. I’m depending on you. But with thousands of you behind me, we can send a big message to those billionaires.

Thank you,


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