Your Intentions for Ten Holy Masses, Sept. 6-15

Dear Friend,
How often do we make the sign of
the Cross? Gaze upon our Crucified Lord on the cross? Kiss a Crucifix?
Is it once daily or several times during the day and
Pope Benedict XVI said in a 2006
homily: “Christians, however, do not exalt just any cross but the
Cross which Jesus sanctified with his sacrifice, the fruit and
testimony of immense love. Christ on the Cross pours out his Blood to
set humanity free from the slavery of sin and death. Therefore, from
being a sign of malediction, the Cross was transformed into a sign of
blessing, from a symbol of death into a symbol par excellence of the
Love that overcomes hatred and violence and generates immortal
How important the Cross is today,
in this upside-down world – take hold of it, so that you and your
family are not swept away from the one, true Catholic
Christ has triumphed over death.
That victory is not for us alone but extended to all who humble
themselves and come beneath the Cross to find redemption.
More and more, society disregards that Sundays are holy
days in which we worship God, Our Creator and are to thank Jesus at
Holy Mass for dying on the cross for our sins.
Remember, as the world spirals
downward, out of control, the Cross stands firm!
Let us bring our personal
petitions, for those of the world to the foot of the Cross, where Our
Lady of Sorrows stays close to her Son.
“Virgin of all virgins best,
listen to my fond requests.” (Taken from the Stabat Mater)
Please submit your intentions for Ten Days of Holy Masses, the Exaltation
of the Holy Cross – the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady, from September 6 –
September 15.
The Feast Day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross on
September 14
The Feast Day of the 7 Sorrows of Our Lady on September
**All you have to do is submit
your intentions and you will automatically receive all ten days of
prayers, beginning on Wednesday, September 6th. And please include an
intention that God will bestow many graces upon our beloved Cardinal
We shall stand firm, united in hope
beneath the Cross of Christ, throughout our problems, difficulties and
challenges in this unpredictable world.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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